6 Upwork Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Are you a freelancer who wants to stand out from the crowd and make an impression on with your expertise and skills on Upwork?

Want to be noticed by prospective clients and get hired?

Want to stay up to date on the latest happenings shared on the forums?

Then welcome to the Upwork party.

Then you should review how you tell your professional story on the platform.  Telling your story and demonstrating your skills and expertise via Upwork, is a way to get clients interested in you in a way that’s also relevant to your freelancing career.

Upwork is one of the world’s largest freelancing platform. Therefore, If used well, then it is tremendous, consistent source of well-paying jobs.  But if you blunder, it won’t be nearly as helpful.

Below are 6 Upwork mistakes that you can easily avoid and get the most out of your time on the freelancing platform.

What's Covered in This Article

Mistake #1: Having an Incomplete Upwork Profile

Upwork provides a comprehensive array of content sections that all offer the opportunity to showcase your accomplishments, skill and expertise.

If it is incomplete or scanty, it can send the wrong message about your credibility as a freelance professional.  It may actually be construed that you are unreliable, or worse, that you never follow through and finish stuff.

Even if you don’t get the time to complete all the various profile segment, ensure that you complete the main ones such as your title, language, skills, categories, portfolio projects, employment history, education background, etc.

Mistake #2: Posting an Inappropriate Profile Photo, or Worse, No Photo

The most conspicuous aspect of your Upwork profile is the profile photo.  The saying that having only one chance to make a good first impression still stands today. Yes, that applies to Upwork profiles as well.

An improper or inappropriate photo is an instance turn off — and could cost you a decent pay. Remember, this is Upwork, a freelancing platform.  Make sure your profile photo portrays the image you want to be associated with.

Mistake #3: Giving False Information

Never lie or inflate your credentials in the education section or give false information in the experience section.

Talk about what you’ve accomplished, not what you wish you’d have accomplished.

Sooner or later, when you fail to deliver as per your so-called accomplishments, the truth will soon come out.

I shouldn’t  even be talking about this, but unfortunately I have to. It happens all the time.

Mistake #4:  Not Taking Skills Tests to Support Your Skills

Upwork gives freelancers an opportunity to take skills tests.

Further on,  the platform links test results to relevant skills.

When you don’t do the tests, the skills you profess just seem that way, a profession.

But the skills tests are a testimony that you can actually do what you profess.

Mistake #5: Applying for Jobs Infrequently

 80% of life is showing up. – Woody Allen

The more regularly and consistently you apply for jobs on Upwork, the higher your chances of getting one.

And that does not mean just applying for any job that shows up.

Mistake #6: Applying for Every Single Job Advertised

The flip side of applying for jobs infrequently is “over applying” or applying for any job that is advertised. It is important to decide earlier on in your freelancing career what specific services you would like to offer.

One interesting feature of Upwork is that when you click on a contractor’s profile page is that you can click on “Recent Job applications” and view the job applied for and whoever initiated the application.

When clients notice that you have applied for all manner of random jobs – a business plan today, statistics tomorrow, and virtual assistance the next day –  they may not take you seriously.

Besides, you only have so many slots to apply for in a given week.

A complete profile for instance gives you the privilege to apply for 25 jobs.

An incomplete one gives you even fewer slots. It’s therefore important that you only apply for those jobs that you qualify for.

Now that you know what mistakes to avoid, show up at the Upwork party looking your best, believe in yourself and have a fantastic time.
