How to Prepare for Asylum in Canada – 10 Essential Tips and Charitable Organizations for Support

Seeking asylum in Canada process, tips

While seeking asylum in Canada can offer hope for safety and a better future, some asylum seekers unfortunately end up on the streets due to various reasons.

The complexities of the asylum process and lack of proper planning can leave individuals vulnerable to difficult situations.

Asylum seekers may face delays in the processing of their claims, leading to prolonged uncertainty and limited access to government support.

Additionally, many may fall prey to unscrupulous individuals or rogue agents who take advantage of their vulnerability, resulting in financial exploitation and scams.

Language barriers, limited social networks, and unfamiliarity with the Canadian system can also contribute to difficulties in finding suitable accommodations and employment.

As a result, some individuals find themselves without a stable place to stay, emphasizing the importance of proper preparation and seeking support from reputable organizations to avoid such challenging circumstances.

In today’s article, we discuss essential tips for preparing to seek asylum in Canada.

Asylum seekers often face challenging situations, so being well-prepared is crucial.

We’ll also provide a list of charitable organizations in Canada that offer support and assistance to newcomers, including refugees and asylum seekers.

What's Covered in This Article

Your Claim Story

One crucial aspect of preparing for seeking asylum in Canada is thinking about your claim story well in advance and ensuring its watertight nature.

Your claim story is the foundation of your asylum application and will be thoroughly scrutinized during the asylum process.

Take the time to reflect on your experiences and the reasons why you are seeking asylum.

Ensure that your story is consistent, coherent, and supported by credible evidence.

Anticipate potential questions or doubts that may arise and be prepared to provide detailed and consistent answers during interviews with immigration officials.

A strong and credible claim story is essential for a successful asylum application, as it establishes the basis for your need for protection in Canada.

Consulting with a licensed immigration lawyer or reputable organizations can be invaluable in strengthening your claim and increasing your chances of a positive outcome.

Remember, the more watertight your claim story is, the better your chances of being granted asylum in Canada and finding safety and protection in this new chapter of your life.

The information you share in your claim will help IRCC and IRB understand

  • your background
  • your family
  • why you want to make a refugee claim

When you make your claim, you can request a work permit at the same time.

Make your claim when you arrive in Canada

You can make a claim for refugee protection at any port of entry when you arrive in Canada. This means an airport, seaport or land border.

A Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officer will ask you to complete the required application forms when you arrive. Normally, you’ll complete the forms at the port of entry.

While at the port of entry, the officer will also

  • ask you questions about your situation
  • collect your documentation and proof of identity
  • take your fingerprints and photo (biometrics)

If the officer decides your refugee claim is eligible

The officer will give you

You have 15 calendar days to complete the basis of claim form and submit it to the IRB’s Refugee Protection Division office listed on your confirmation of referral letter.

If the officer tells you to come back for an interview

The officer will give you

You may have to return to the port of entry or go to an inland office for your interview.

The officer may also tell you to submit your refugee claim online. If you’re told to complete your claim online, the officer will give you instructions.

To complete your claim, you’ll need your

  • application number
  • UCI
  • date of birth

You’ll find these on your

  • acknowledgement of claim letter
  • refugee protection claimant document

If you need help completing your claim online, use the application guide.

Tips for preparing to seek asylum in Canada

Tip 1 – Research the Asylum Process: The first step in seeking asylum is to research the process thoroughly. Understand the eligibility criteria, required documents, and the steps involved to make informed decisions about your journey to safety.

Tip 2 – Contact Legitimate Immigration Services: To avoid scams and unauthorized representatives, reach out to legitimate immigration services or consult with a licensed immigration lawyer. They can provide proper guidance and protect your rights throughout the asylum process.

Tip 3 – Gather Necessary Documentation: Collect all essential documents supporting your asylum claim, such as identification papers, birth certificates, passports, and any evidence of persecution or danger in your home country.

Tip 4 – Learn About Life in Canada: Familiarize yourself with Canadian culture, laws, and basic rights to ease your transition and better integrate into society upon arrival.

Tip 5 – Save Sufficient Funds: As the asylum process may take time, it’s essential to plan and save enough money to support yourself for a few months in Canada until you become eligible for government benefits.

Tip 6 – Seek Temporary Accommodation: Find affordable temporary accommodation options, such as hostels, shelters, or charitable organizations that can provide safe shelter during the asylum process.

Tip 7 – Language Skills: Improving your English or French language skills can significantly benefit your communication and integration into Canadian society.

Tip 8 – Network and Community Support: Connecting with diaspora communities in Canada can offer valuable advice, support, and a sense of belonging during your asylum journey.

Tip 9 – Understand Employment Opportunities: Be aware that finding employment may not be immediate. Research job opportunities and understand the requirements to work in Canada.

Tip 10 – Stay Informed About Resources: Familiarize yourself with available resources, social services, and government support systems for asylum seekers in Canada. Knowledge of these resources can be of great help during your stay.

Charitable Organizations for Support:

  1. Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR): Advocates for the rights and protection of refugees, providing resources and support through a network of community organizations.
  2. Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS): Offers settlement services, language training, and social integration programs for newcomers, including refugees and asylum seekers.
  3. YMCA Newcomer Information Centre: Provides settlement services, language training, and employment support to newcomers across various cities in Canada.
  4. MOSAIC: Assists immigrants and refugees in British Columbia with settlement, employment services, language training, and counseling.
  5. FCJ Refugee Centre: Focuses on refugee and immigrant issues, offering settlement services, legal support, and referrals for healthcare and housing in Toronto.
  6. World University Service of Canada (WUSC): Supports refugees through education and training programs, helping them build skills and improve livelihoods.
  7. Rainbow Refugee: Specifically supports LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees with resources and advocacy for their unique needs.
  8. Matthew House: Provides temporary housing, settlement services, and support to refugee claimants in Toronto and Ottawa.
  9. The Salvation Army: Offers various centers across Canada providing emergency shelter, food assistance, and support services to individuals in need, including asylum seekers.
  10. Canadian Council of Churches (CCC): Provides resources and support to refugee claimants, focusing on advocacy and refugee rights.


Seeking asylum is a challenging journey, but being prepared and having access to supportive organizations can make a significant difference.

Remember to approach this process with careful planning and consider seeking professional advice when necessary.

These charitable organizations are here to help and support asylum seekers on their path to safety and a better life in Canada.

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